
Wednesday, November 26, 2008

UPDATED - Monthly Lecture :::: 4 December, 2008

إن شاء الله  we will resume our Monthly Lecture Series on Thursday, December 4th  @ 7:30 pm, continuing with our readings from the 'Aqeedah of al-Imaam, al-Faqeeh Muhammad bin Ismaa'eel al-Bukhaaree (رحمه الله) - [d.256H].  The lecture will be held in the home of our brother 'Abdul-Malik and is open for families.  Directions will be added to the bottom of this post shortly, إن شاء الله.

The text of al-Bukhaaree's 'Aqeedah (Arabic/English) can be downloaded here.

Map - (from 6th Ring Rd):


Directions from 30, 40, 50 and 55:

- Take 6th ring road direction Jahra

- Take 60 direction Cargo Terminal 

- Go all the way to the first round about and take the first right

- Continue for a while straight going through some lights

- Continue until the next round about and take the second “exit” which will be like continuing straight, you should be passing a big yellow masjid on your right

- Continue until the third round about when you take the second right (Basically keeping straight again)

- Continue until the fourth round about where you take the first right

- Then first right again

- Then first left, it will be the third Villa on your right, number 13



- Please park on the parking lot in front of the school which is at the round about

- The apartment number is 2 and it is on the second floor

- Entrance to the elevator is on the left side of the villa when facing it